Apex Instruments Featured Products
Crystal XP3i Digital Pressure Gauge
Ultra rugged, intrinsically safe, digital test gauge with “0.05% of reading”, “0.02% of full scale”, or “0.05% of full scale” accuracy levels
Bluetooth Connectivity - CrystalConnect
Intrinsically Safe Recorder
Record 200 Million Data Points
Pressure Safety Valve Test
Calibration Reminders and Alerts

Fluke 789/773 Bundle
The Fluke 789/773 BU kit includes Fluke's 789 ProcessMeter and Fluke's 773 Milliamp Process Clamp Meter with Loop Power.
789: Precision 1000V, 440mA TRMS DMM; 0.1% DC voltage accuracy; 0.05% DC current accuracy; Frequency measurement to 20 kHz
773: 4-20 mA and DC volts source/measure; DC voltage measurement verifies 24V power supplies or voltage I/O signals; source DC voltage to test input devices

Apex Instruments, Inc - a leading supplier of Petrochemical equipment in the Rocky Mountain & High Plains Region for over 25 years.
We supply cutting edge measurement technology & proven devices to benefit our customer's operating efficiency & accuracy.
Apex Instruments has an ISO 17025 Accredited Metrology Calibration Lab that provides Accredited Calibrations, NIST Tracelable calibrations, and repairs for test equipment.
Founded in 1998, Apex Instruments is headquartered in Centennial, Colorado.
We have sales representatives that cover the States of Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah, Montana, Idaho, Nebraska, Kansas, Arkansas, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming.